There are so many people out there with incredible stories, with gorgeous photos, and with a whole load of value to add, and a lot of them don't have the following they deserve.
The truth is there aren't 3 magic tips to grow your following overnight. There isn't some magic spell that overrides the algorithms, and there aren't really any secrets to success.
It just takes a little bit of knowledge and a lot of consistency, and these 5 tips can help to get you on your way.

Tip One - Work out who you are talking to and why
This first step will be the backbone to everything else you do. The more time you put into thinking about who you are talking to, the easier it will be to share stories that resonate with them. Try to have a picture in your head of someone that you are talking to, it could be someone you know or someone you would love to know! Think about them in as much detail, and then ask yourself, what does this person want to know?
An example of this could be someone who's just started hiking, they might want to know new routes, mistakes to avoid, or just to see other people out there doing what they love too.
Tip Two - Be consistent

Once you know who you are talking to, and what you need to talk about you can think about what you enjoy positing and focus on that. It should be clear when someone comes to your page what sort of things you talk about, and what posts they can expect if they start following you. The way you post can change over time, as you get a better idea of what resonates with your audience. But the more you post consistently to a theme the more you will attract an engaged following who want to hear about what you do.
Rocksandtrails is a great example of being consistent. As a climbing instructor and guide all her posts are about enjoying climbing, guiding clients or being in the outdoors.
Tip Three - Remember the Social in Social media
It might seem like all the big accounts just post loads and are magically successful... but the real key to reaching people, and making genuine connections through social media... is to genuinely connect.
Rather than getting lost in scrolling for hours, try to block out a few times a week where you can dedicate your time to commenting, messaging and interacting with people you follow, people who follow you, and people you can find through #'s or other pages.
Tip four - Share other people's content

Sharing other people's content, or sharing user generated content - which is images or videos taken by people using your product or service - is one of the fastest ways to grow your network and reach like minded people.
Many of the most popular accounts are created solely through sharing the content of others. Just remember that as you are doing this it's important to ask before you share and to properly credit the original image source.
An account that does this really well is Ordinance Survey. I love a map... But let's face it maps might not be the most social media-worthy product. By sharing other peoples images Ordinance Survey have managed to build an interesting feed and grow an engaged audience.
Tip five - Use all the features
Yep I mean all of them. Stories, posts, Highlights, Reels, and IGTV - Try to experiment with using question boxes, stickers, and polls.
You don't have to use all the features all of the time, but think about how you can create a strategy that uses your time most effectively across the different features that Instagram has to offer. Like using stories for a quick way to drop in and stay current, or going live to share what you are doing in reel time. Live conversations can be a great way of talking to people across your network about their stories. Whereas feed posts might be more curated images and text.
I hope you've found this blog post helpful! If you've learned something today I'd love to hear from you in the comments, and please share this blog with someone you think it can help too.
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